T-Moible is planning to install anti-malware apps on future Android devices since a recent study revealed that Android devices are more likely to get malware viruses. Most recently Android users had a malware scare with 2 viruses floating around calledLoozfon” and “FinFisher. T-Mobile wants it users to be malware free.
“T-Mobile wants our customers to enjoy the full benefits of the smartphone or tablet experience, including worry-free access to applications, which is why we are taking extra measures to protect their devices, privacy and data,” Ian McKerlich, T-Mobile USA’s vice president of product management, said in a statement.
Last week, the FBI‘s Internet Crime Complaint Center warned smartphone users of malware, called “Loozfon” and “FinFisher,” that targets Android operating systems. A recent study also suggested that security breaches are becoming more common in the U.S.