The diva has spoken! In her Thursday evening concert in Brooklyn, Barbra Streisand, discuss the current political climate, poking fun at Mitt Romney! Click below for video footage.

Eloisa Melo

Oh Babs! Oh Oh Oh!

We are dithering all OVER the place after watching footage from Thursday evening’s EPIC Barbra Streisand concert in Brooklyn! The iconic singer proves yet again what REAL talent is, and girl sings as exquisitely as she did when America fell in love with her all those years ago.

But Barbra didn’t just blow our brainz with her flawless performances, she also took some time to discuss the current political climate, poking fun at Mitt Romney!

Babs joked on stage:

“He’s a good actor. [He’s] a chameleon. It’s great.

I love Big Bird and I hope no one tells Romney how to get to Sesame Street… or to Pennsylvania Avenue.”


The civic-minded legend also chatted about women’s rights before launching into one of her encores of the evening, Happy Days Are Here Again (above)!

For MORE Barbra Brooklyn concert goodness, check out a medley of last night’s performances AND an epic rendition of, well, we don’t want to spoil it! Just watch (below)!!!

Perez Hilton