Siovaughn Wade lost primary custody of her sons to ex-husband Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade and though she’s entitled to see the boys twice a month, Siovaugh claims she hasn’t seen them since July…
Read more of this messy situation after the jump
Quay X Sabrina B.
From The Daily Mail
Siohvaughn, who is working towards a law degree near her home in Chicago, says she is locked in a new struggle – just trying to see her sons.She said there has been incident after incident of her ex-husband keeping the children from her – at one point even sending them to Illinois when she was about to fly to Florida to see them in July. As the courts ruled she is only allowed to see them in Florida, she was unable to visit the youngsters even though they were just 25 minutes away from her Chicago home, she said.
Another time, her husband flew the boys to the London Olympics, meaning she did not see them for more than a month. At this point, she has not seen them since July, she said. The courts have granted her no visits between August and November 8, her attorney added.
‘Dwyane was on Oprah [in July] expressing how he gets excited when the children get to see their mom,’ she said. ‘At that very same time I was fighting to have the time I was given.’