I love it!! Do you know how hard it is to keep up with the Fast growing iTunes App Store, and all the Great Apps they provide each and every day?? I mean I usually find out about an App from hearing about it, or getting an email from a developer, which no matter what I will still do, but now with “App-o-Day”, I can get to Apps quickly, but I want y’all to stay in the know, so I’m letting you know about it, and give you the 1st App I see in it!!


App-O-Day is an App in the App store that finds Apps that were for Paid, but are Now FREE, and offer’s it up for you, 1 per day, CLEAN!! So the 1st App I ran into is kinda cool, “Baldify”, which let’s you take a Pic of a Hairy person, and creates a 3D Bald Pic, and/or Video, Crazy!!! And Perfect for things like say Instagram, or Viddy!!!

Go find these Apps, get you fun on!!!!

iTunes App-O-Day

iTunes Baldify