This is a Concept I truly can get behind! A Desk that is All Apple All the Time, but it’s not from Apple, But Apple should take a really close look at it, cause it’s TOUGH!!! Hit the Jump.


This is what you can look forward to, should it happen;
-Sync with any iOS device simply by placing it upon the desk.
-You won’t need a mouse when any area of your touch-sensitive desk can be designated as a trackpad.
-Making calls, scheduling appointments, and much more could be done from the surface of a clean, clutter-free workspace.

Illustrations of this iDesk are provided by Adam Benton, he makes the desk totally interactive(The desk would be totally Touch sensitive, with Mac OS, and iOS, built in), drop your iOS device on it, and they communicate with each other(Transfer Data at an extremely hight rate). It seems to be based on Microsoft’s surface technology(wouldn’t be the 1st time Apple took something microsoft built and made Better). Being All Apple, you could even do things like change the Theme of the Desk, like from Mahogany, to a more Apple looking Theme(or Skin).

The Keyboard could also be digitally in the desk(touch), Clean. The iDesk would benefit mankind, but my main question would be, ‘How Much Would it Cost??’, I mean if Apple Laptops, and Desktops costs some Arms, and Elbows, Would the iDesk cost a Whole Leg??? Really, how much would this Be if came to fruition, what would it cost, 5K??? Man listen….But it might be worth it!!
