Although NBC and the NFL both issues apologizes for M.I.A.’s middle finger incident during this year’s Super Bowl Halftime Show, Madonna hasn’t addressed the issue until now. In a phone interview with Ryan Seacrest Madonna slammed M.I.A. for doing such a “teenager” thing during their performance. Find out what else she said after the jump.


M.I.A. caused an uproar with her controversial finger-flipping moment during Madonna’s Super Bowl halftime show. But not only did she offend some viewers, she also angered the pop queen.

In an interview with Ryan Seacrest, Madonna addressed the headline-making incident, which occurred while they were performing her new single “Give Me All Your Luvin’.”

“I wasn’t happy about it. I understand it’s punk rock and everything, but to me there was such a feeling of love and good energy and positivity, it seemed negative,” she said. “It’s such a teenager, kind of irrelevant thing to do. But on the other hand, there was such a feeling of love and unity there, what was the point? It was just out of place.”

M.I.A., who also appears on “B-day Song” off Madge’s upcoming album MDNA, has apologized to the Material Girl. “She has. I know she feels bad,” she told Carson Daly. “I accept her apology, but you know, I think she still has her head in the sand right now.”

Madonna had nicer things to say about her other onstage collaborators. “I wanted to choose fun people. Nicki and M.I.A. are cool because they have youthful energy and I think they’re badasses in their own right. And LMFAO, to me they’re just pure joy and they crack me up,” she told Seacrest. “I love Cee Lo. I’ve always loved his voice. I feel like he’s somebody really up-and-coming. It was like a dream come true for me. I got to work with a lot of people that I wanted to work with.”

RU via Ryan Seacrest