Ahhhhhh I’m beyond excited right now! As I told you a couple months back, there were rumblings of a possible reunion of the fictitious boy-band “2Ge+her” MTV had made back in the early 2000’s. Now the rumblings have been confirmed, and MTV has signed off on the reunion show! Former teeny-boppers unite! LOL get the details below!

Marisa Mendez

2Gether is ONE GIANT STEP closer to returning to the stage … now that MTV has given the “boy” band its blessing for a highly-anticipated reunion show … TMZ has learned.

2Gether — the parody band behind the 2000 hit “U + Me = Us (Calculus)” — put together a pitch to the network to resurrect the gang for a new TV movie.

We’re told MTV was interested … but it wasn’t a high priority … so the two sides worked out a deal, which allows the band to get the ball rolling ASAP.

Sources connected to the project tell us … the 4 living members asked MTV for permission to take the project into their own hands — and MTV obliged. Which means, the band will organize the show, film everything themselves and then package it for MTV … which will ultimately decide if it will air on the network.

The guys are FIRED UP — especially because all of the proceeds will go towards the Michael Cuccione Foundation … named after the member of the group who died from cancer back in 2001.

So far, no word on when or where the concert will take place — but we’re told they’re gunning for Vegas or L.A.
