I know very few guys (and by few I mean one), that was highly upset when he found out his girlfriend cheated on him with another female. Most guys find the thought of girl on girl action the perfect scenario. NY Times sheds some light to this situation and reveals that a man is more than twice as likely to continue dating a woman if she has cheated on him with another woman than if she has cheated on him with another man. Double standard much? Check the details after the jump!


[NYTIMES] – THE GIST A man minds less when a woman cheats on him with another woman than with another man.

THE SOURCE “Sex Differences in Response to Imagining a Partner’s Heterosexual or Homosexual Affair,” by Jaime C. Confer and Mark D. Cloud, published in Personality and Individual Differences.

Dude! Finally, research to explain many a male fantasy and Judd Apatow movie. According to a new study by Jaime C. Confer, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, and her father, Mark D. Cloud, a psychology professor at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, a man is more than twice as likely to continue dating a woman if she has cheated on him with another woman than if she has cheated on him with another man.

The daughter-father duo asked 700 college students to imagine that they were in a committed romantic and sexual relationship with someone for three months, then asked how they would respond to infidelity on the part of the hypothetical partner. Some were told the affair was repeated, others that it was a solitary incident. Some learned their imaginary partners had had sex with multiple partners; others, that it had been only one person.

How often it happened and with how many people was immaterial, according to the study. What mattered was with whom. Men’s likelihood of continuing to date a girlfriend if she had been unfaithful with a woman was 50 percent, on average. But if she had cheated on him with another man, that likelihood plummeted to 22 percent. Meanwhile, a woman was slightly more likely to stick with a man if he’d cheated on her with another woman: her likelihood of standing by her man was 28 percent, and only 21 percent if he had had homosexual sex. Ms. Confer said that because men’s paternity is threatened by a heterosexual affair, they’re more likely to object to such transgressions.

This is in line with previous research that shows men to be more distressed than women in response to sexual betrayal (women are more troubled by “emotional” betrayal). But if evolutionary psychology were truly at work, wouldn’t women be more incensed by men sleeping with other women — possibly impregnating them and creating competition for resources with her own potential offspring?

Ms. Confer speculates that perhaps men lose status if they sleep with other men, becoming less of a man in women’s eyes. The more obvious answer, according to Lisa Diamond, an associate professor of psychology who studies same-sex sexuality at the University of Utah, is that men see a woman sleeping with another woman as “maybe a Katy Perry thing” and not all that threatening, whereas women see a man’s having sex with another man as proof, in her mind, that “You’re gay.”

“This is a great example of the way in which it doesn’t make sense to test evolutionary psychology principles with contemporary college students,” said Dr. Diamond, when asked to comment on the findings. “The much more plausible explanation has to do with what contemporary men and women think of contemporary sexual orientation.”