Recently the Web 2.0 Summit went down in Cali, and MC Hammer, whom is actually a big name in the Tech Community, was interviewed and he opened up about a project he is involved in, where he and his partners want to bring “Relationship driven Searches” to the Masses!! Hit the Jump to see WTH I’m talking about!!
WZA on Google+
MC Hammer discussed “WireDoo“(You can sign Up to be apart of!) which is a search engine that would not only give you the basic info like a Google or a Bing, but also get a little specific with info related, such as if you put a zip code in, it would give you not just the schools in the area, but break the schools down, for instance give you the teachers in the school, the teachers ratings & their credentials, the parents credentials, the API score of the school, also related content on school goes as far to give you whom was expelled from the school and Why! That truly is incredible, but don’t listen to me, let Hammer tell you himself:
Great political Answer Too!!
So to Google And Bing, as of right Now, even though WireDoo is in Beta, “You Can’t Touch This”
My Hat is off to You Mr. Hammer!!!!!