So I started noticing All the iOS Device users around me seem very Confused as to whats going on, I didn’t think I would Need to do a post like this, But here it is, I won’t blow you up if you hit me on Twitter/Google+ to ask “How Do I use this??” No, I will Help, Hit the Jump so you can know a little better on The NEW!!! Also Reports about Siri, problems, but it’s Siri-ous!!!
WZA on Google+
It’s really pretty simple, I mean at least if you were already using iOS aka iPhone, iPad, or iPod, there are just some Great improvements!!
Warning Only the iPhone 4S has Siri, Sorry iPod Touch and iPad users!!!
Ok 1st You have to make sure you have the NEWest iTunes(10.5),
then Plug your iOS device into the Mac you choose (with that iTunes 10.5), Then after the somewhat lengthy(but not too bad) Process, Your device will restore, and You will be able to unPlug from the Device, Then that will Be the last time you will HAVE to Update through a Mac Computer, The Only time You’ll HAVE to connect to a Computer is when you want to, for Photo’s, music, all that, there is No Need, as long as You Go iCloud, which we will get to now!
Ok once you get back into your iOS device you’ll be asked a few questions, which I will show you using examples of through Flex’s iPad:
Ok When your done and unplug your(once again, could be the last time you plug in!) You’ll have to go through some steps, like, Signing in with your Apple ID, If you don’t have an Apple ID, You will be able to create one Now(Please write your login/password down, You don’t want to forget it!)
Once your in, it will take a sec:
Then it will ask you if you want to use Location Services, Now this depends on IF you want your laceration to be seen when using Apps, that is def up to your preference, but I put NO!:
Then it’s gonna get to the good stuff, iCloud! The question here is do you want to use iCloud, or go old school and back up to your computer, like you’ve been dong, I chose the Cloud for Fliggity(Over WiFi of course):
Then you wait while iCloud Backs up your stuff, everything from that point, so all your old stuff won’t be there when you pop back on:
Then it will ask you a couple more questions like Do you want to use Find My iPad/iPhone/iPod, Obviously YES!!:
Then Your so Close, You have to do like 2 more things, They ask you do you want to help Apple by sending Apple reports automatically, but I put NO, because that feels auspicious to me, isn’t that how Apple Gate went Down?? Either way, If I want Help, I’ll ask for it!:
Then it asks you if you want Registration On, There I put YES, cause if you do have a problem later, You want them to know your in the System!!:
NOW the iPad was back to working status, Then I updated Funk’s iPhone 4, even though he has the 4S now, better to be the same across the board:
Then once that was done with the same process, We were able to get into all iOS 5 goodies, like these:
Besides iMessage(which May come to the Macs through iChat) I really Am interested in “Reminders”, Seems like it would make life interesting!!:
But I don’t have an iOS device my self, and although you can get a Lion Update for most of these iCloud goodies, But NO Reminders
Now as far as the use of the NEW Apps, I don’t have that data over all, but they Seem to be Very Cool, you’ll have to try them out for yourself, just know that life is easier with these things being in the Cloud, no more annoying back ups, cause that’s done for you automatically, So Just Hit your App Store and See all the Stuff you can get for FREE!! I do know Twitter is embedded in Everything, making SO EASY to Tweet!! ANd the Camera is a Big feature, being able to take pics even from a locked Screen(but on the iPad, you can just slideshow your photos from the locked screen). The Notification center can be pulled down from Any Screen, and you can set up in your settings, cause you may not want things just popping up on your screen!! And IF you’re a Reader, the Newsstand Immediately asks you If you want FREE Subscriptions, but I’m sure you will be able to pay for certain things(I believe this is intended to cut into Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet’s Business)
Now I’m sure the real Question You want t know about is SIRI, But I have only ‘heard’ Great things about it, like the ability to Voice your Tweets, or Voice a Memo, or just Do everything through it, All you do is Hold Down the Home button, and Siri pops up ready to learn your Voice, Once you’ve Voiced a few things, it become substantially Easier!! Send Me or IFWT the details o your Siri Experience!!! Although I’m also ‘Hearing’ about Problems, from what I understand, they are Carrier Problems, Sprint is Brand NEW with Apple(and between you & I, Apple told me they were having Issue’s even Signing People Up to sprint iPhones) And with Apple, they are trying to use their NEW HSPA+ system in order to give you that 14mbps as promised, and I’m sure when they tested in limited beta, here was more than enough space to move at that speed, but once the world jumped on, CRASH, I’m sure the next couple of weeks will be rough, then Smooth Sailing!!!! And keep in mind, I Hate AT&T, but I Tell the Truth!! And Rumor Is, iPhone 4 Maybe able to do Siri, Soon!!! But that will be a Different Post!