The website has offered Sarah Palin and her husband a chance to prove their innocence over claims made in Joe McGinniss’s book accusing them of a dirty past including an affair and drug use. I highly doubt Palin would ever accept this offer, but it would be interesting to see if she responds at all to this. Read more after the jump…

Wendy L.

(DailyMail)–Sarah Palin has been offered $1million if she passes a lie detector test over claims made a new boook about her.

In Joe McGinniss’s book the former Governor of Alaska is accused of cheating on her husband Todd Palin, with his ex-business partner.

It is a charge which she has vehemently denied. 

Now it has emerged that the adult website has offered the Palins $1 million to prove their innocence.

The website has offered Sarah and Todd Palin a ‘unique platform to prove that these allegations are not true,’ reports.

Todd Palin has said of the book, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin: ‘His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo and smears.’

The letter to the Palins from said: ‘We will hire a certified polygraph examiner to administer a lie detector test to both yourself and Todd.

‘He will be restricted to asking you questions solely related to the allegations.’

‘If both of you complete and pass the polygraph test, will issue you a check in The amount of $1,000,000.’

The extraordinary offer comes just days after the National Enquirer claimed that friends close to Sarah and Todd say he is ‘fed up’ with the constant scandals that have plagued their marriage ever since she ran for vice president and is ready to file for a divorce.

It has also been alleged that her advisers have told her to kiss goodbye to the White House fearing a bid would be ‘political suicide’.

In The Rogue, the 47-year-old is accused of having a night of passion with a basketball star and snorting cocaine.

A source close to the former vice presidential candidate said: ‘Sarah Palin has been destroyed by Joe McGinniss’ no-holds-barred biography. It exposed all her lies, cover-ups and secrets.

‘As a result she has been told by her advisers that it would be political suicide to announce a White House candidacy.

‘The press and her opponents would have a field day digging into the dirty details of her background.’

The bombshell book is said to have put the final nail in the coffin of her marriage, after Sarah’s brother Chuckie was quoted saying his sister and Todd’s marriage was over.

A friend told the National Enquirer: ‘The final straw was McGinniss quoting Sarah’s brother Chuckie telling a friend they don’t have a marriage.

It was revealed earlier this month that former basketball player Glen Rice had a one-time fling with the Alaska governor when she was a news anchor for her local station and he was a junior at the University of Michigan. The author writes that after college Mrs Palin developed a ‘fetish’ for black men.

The tryst allegedly took place in her younger sister Molly’s University of Alaska dorm room, while she was dating Todd and just nine months before the couple were married.

Mr Rice went on to have a huge career playing basketball in the NBA and was a three-timer All-Star.

Sarah Palin is currently travelling the country and is still deciding whether or not she will run for president in 2012.