Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

An odd scene out at Broncos practice today, where an incomplete pass in the end zone by Kyle Orton skipped off the ground and cracked the windshield of a Porsche in the player’s parking lot.

The Porsche, it turns out, belongs to running back Willis McGahee.

Lindsay Jones has more, from Twitter:

Inc pass into the end zone just cracked windshield on Porshe in players parking lot. Whoops.

Right after ball hit the car, Elvis goes “Hey hey hey!!” Guessing its his ride.

Orton. Came in fast + hard. Off the bounce. RT @Jeff_Thornton: @PostBroncos Wasn’t a Tebow pass, was it?

For what its worth, only about 10 yards from back of end zone to the players’ parking lot. No fence. Not some crazy errant pass here.

Also: Not sure who the Porshe belongs to. Don’t think it is Elvis — now think he was just yelling at us media types who didn’t catch it.

Back in the lockout stakeout days, I was getting good at recognizing who drove what. Hazy memory now. Oh well.

Mystery solved: The Porsche belongs to Willis McGahee.