“TSMC has got all the authorization and details ready. Whether Apple puts in a formal order will depend on the yield rate, said the source, who was not authorized to speak to the media. The source did not provide further details of the orders”.

@yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Rumors are circulating that at the moment  Apple is conducting trials with Taiwanese chip manufacturer TSMC for its next generation A6 processor.  The funny side to this is Samsung is currently the only suppliers of the chip which is used in the iPad 2 but as we all know Apple has decided to take Samsung to court on “copycat” rights . The a5 chip is also said to be used in the iPhone 5 whenever its released by Apple.  Analysts believe Apple will introduce new processors sometime next year with the release of the iPad 3 and then release newer processors with the iPhone and iPod touch line.