Google announced an impressive new service this week called “Instant Pages,” Google is promising to take the searching experience one level higher or, more specifically, one level faster.

@Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Google is promising to cut down web page load times to an unheard time of 0 seconds.  The user would search for a topic and then click on a result that Google would find, then the user would wait around an estimate time of 4 to 10 seconds (depending on connection speed) for their web-page to load.  Now with the new service “instant pages”, Google would like to shave that time in half to make the users search faster and more efficient.

To make this web-page rendering feature available, Google revealed that it was using a technology it has been developing for years capable of accurately choosing which result the user would click on in order to decide which web-page to pre-load.

The search feature that will be only available with the installation of Google Chrome’s latest beta version will be activated next week.