Seems as if RIM can not get a break in 2011. After losing a large percentage in the smartphone market RIM, will become the 4th largest smartphone vendor being passed by HTC.

@yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

HTC has become known for their Android based phones. They reported profits of NT$14.83 billion in the first quarter of 2011, tripling 2010 first quarter earnings.  At this pace HTC could  be on the heels of Apple in no time. HTC is releasing smart-phones at a rapid pace, seems like a phone a month. HTC does have an advantage over its competition by selling smart-phones  with the options of Android or windows mobile  OS systems, giving consumers choices of hardware and a OS.  HTC also shipped 9.7 million smartphones in the first quarter, which represents a 192% improvement over the first quarter of 2010. Market Intelligence Center estimates that global smartphone shipments will reach 452 million units this year, and 1.084 billion units in 2015