Its been 40 years since the first email has been sent, it has gone from a novelty that geeks and nerds only used email to one of the easiest and common ways we communicate today.  Something we use everyday via blackberry, computer, iPhones, TV, and the lists goes on.

@yungjohnnybravo @Tatwza

The question is do you know your email history, when did it start, who sent the first email, and all the other stages its been though?  The word or term email was around 10 years before the actual word was  created. The word has become so common that Oxford English Dictionary has added the email acronyms we use everyday to its dictionary. Even though email has been around for years,  AP Stylebook (The mother of all writing styles used by journalist) this year has declared that the correct spelling of email is well email.  Before the change the word was normally spelled e-mail, AP Stylebook has decided to change the format of the spelling.

To Celebrate the 40th year of the email take a look at the chart and see the progress email has made over the past 40 years.