Call the BMW X1 what you like. A hatchback with an identity crisis. A BMW crossover with a Napoleon complex. But whatever you call it, you can’t argue with its success. Since going on sale less than two years ago in Europe, the smallest of Munich’s X Series has sold out in just about every market it’s reached. Which is why it’s not here in America yet – the Bavarian automaker just can’t keep up with demand, and taking a bite out of the U.S. market is more than it can chew at the moment.


That won’t stop the X1 from reaching our neighbors to the north, though. A BMW dealership in the affluent Toronto suburb of Thornhill has announced that the X1 is coming to that vast frozen landmass above the 49th Parallel, verified by the inclusion of the CUV’s presence on the BMW Canada website, but not on BMW USA’s.

It won’t be the first time the Canucks are getting an import before America does – the Mercedes-Benz B-Class stands as another notable German example – but could this prove a precursor to the crossover’s arrival in the United States? We’ll just have to sit tight and see – either that or defect northwards.