Well the record they recently set for Guinness Record with Kinect Sold with Games, but now they are asking ppl to help set a record, but at least you won’t have to buy anything, hit the jump to find out what they need from You.
Well during the free Xbox Live Gold preview weekend later this month they want you to set a record for the “most people running a virtual 100m dash at one time.” All you have to do is download a free Xbox Nations gamer pic that will automatically register you for the record attempt, and then load up the sprint mini-game in Kinect Sports and start running at the times Below, Good Luck!!
The Guinness World Record attempt will take place at:
• 6pm UK Saturday 04/23
• 7pm CET Saturday 04/23
• 10am PDT Saturday 04/23
• 1pm EDT Saturday 04/23