Tech Talk Gaming: Zombies Reveal Trailer – Official Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Everyone’s favorite first Person shooter hits stores in Nov. but until the game actually drops here is the official Zombie Trailer for Black Ops 2. Yungjohnnybravo x TAtWZA

(Photos) The Faces Of Bath Salt Zombies [Mugshots]

The bath salt zombies have had the internet bzzin for a couple of months now. Biting faces, arms and legs have been reported across the country. Here are some mugshots of soem zombies who just look too crazy!!!! WiL Major

Are Bath Salts to Blame for “Zombie-Like” Crimes?

The CBC is saying that recent “zombie-like” crimes across the US could be linked to bath salts, not the ones that are used for relaxation in the bath tub. With all eyes on this cheap, highly available new drug, just how dangerous are they to your health? Click below to find out more. WiL Major

(Video)Tech Talk Gaming: Check Out The Resident Evil 6 Trailer!!!

Which Resident Evil is your favorite? I think I like Part 2 the most. Well for all you Resident Evil fans out there the series will be adding a new addition to the console series. Check out the trailer after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

(Photos) Zombies Invade Mexico City!

Thousands of Zombies have invaded Mexico City-well kinda. People have gathered in Mexico City for a zombie walk and to break the Guinness World Records for most zombie walkers. The zombie invasion mimics the one held in Asbury Park, NJ every year. The 2010 Asbury Park zombie walk currently holds the record of most participants with 4,093 participants. So far the Mexico City walk is said to have brought in over 9,800 participants but there’s no Guinness confirmation of that yet. Read more and see some pics from the zombie walk after the jump. Julie1205

Tech Talk Shopping: Get Equipped Like The Walking Dead Cast!!!

Ladies want to know what to get Tat Wza and I for Christmas? Well look no further get ya boys gripped up like one of their favorite TV shows. Get a closer fell on the popular comic TV series with your own survival kit. If you haven’t check out season 1 on Netflix. Details after the jump on The Walking Dead survival kit. WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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