Of course Disney is a key player for this site, which has millions of profiles of children 8 to 11 years old from over 190 countries. Check out the site Club Penguin after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+
We know Android recently Passed iOS in Apps, But in Q2 Apple was Named Leader in the Market(And Named MOST Valuable Company), It’s Q3 Now, With the Competition of Mad NEW Android Phones Battling the release of the iPhone 4S, Not to Mention Nokia may be Back in the game with their NEWEST release, Who’s On Top As of right NOW??? Hit the Jump to see for yourself!!! +TatWZA
Ok So the new Windows is coming, announced yesterday but People want to know, what’s the Big Deal, well I’m gonna help you figure it out! Hit the Jump! @TatWZA