Tech Talk News: ASUS Transformer Prime Delayed Due To Wi-Fi Issues

The ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime is a desired, but also a mysterious tablet. The anticipation for this Android OS 3.2, quad-core powered, 10.1-inch tablet is high and various rumours are flying around. First, Best Buy, Staples and Future Shop all put this up for pre-order, then decided to shift the release dates around. The latest launch date is for December 20th – however, an email by NCIX shows the Prime has been “delayed worldwide and will most likely not be available before Christmas”. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Study Claims Laptop Wi-Fi Will Kill Your Sperm

WHAT THE WHAT!!! As soon as I read this I definitely looked at the wifi signal on the top right of my screen and macbook funny all together. I’m with this harmful s**t laptop all day and it’s killing my kids. What is going on out here!? Why would anyone know this? All I know is if this is true im looking for my ethernet cable immediately. Their saying is if you keep it on your lap but the “Experts” can explain better than I can. @WiLMajor X @TatWZA

Tech Talk Mobile: To Be, Or Not To Be….Unlimited???

Apparently, there is some question IF Republic Wireless, the NEW Mobile Carrier that made a splash by announcing it was “Unlimited” for $19 a month(really come to about $22, but that’s cool too), is ‘Truly’ Unlimited? Well the Answer is After the Jump!!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Crash: Republic Wireless’ Server’s Go Down From Early Offer!!!!

Ok I’m gonna be honest, I could of posted this last night But I was trying to not bring so much attention, So I would have a shot at getting one of those Hybrid Androids, but Hit the Jump to see what happened exactly! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Device: Check Out Republic Wireless’ Hybrid Android!!!

Well a few days ago I posted on a NEW phone carrier, and I say Phone because it’s not as much of a Cellular carrier, since it works off a WiFi Network, And uses an Android Hybrid phone, Hit the Jump to see the Specs!!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk FREE: AT&T Puts WiFi In NYC Parks!!!

About time AT&T does something for the community, besides take money from it(customers live in the community you see), 11 parks in the the NYC area just got FREE WiFi, Parks like Prospect Park, Tompkins Square Park and Marcus Garvey Park. Hit the Jump for the other parks, and a survival tip!! +TatWZA

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