Some Android User May NEED This App!

Republic Wireless has a new Wi-Fi+ app available from users to download through the Google Play store. It can make a big difference in how you experience your Republic smartphone service. From downloading apps to surfing the web, texting, talking and more-Wi-Fi helps you do it all while saving a boatload of money!

Are You Going To Trust Google’s Free Wifi????

Google is plannig on setting up free wifi hotspots in the Chelsea, a New York City area. It would give people in the area free area which would be very easily accessible. The only problem is how safe would the wifi be for the area, im sure in an open wifi zone users would be vunerable to hackers looking at bank accounts, password info and looking at email. “In a world of increasing connectivity, we should absolutely assume that consumers will perform the same types of financial and commercial transactions on free Wi-Fi networks as they would from a paid service or secure home network,” David Britton, vice-president of industry solutions at 41st Parameter, told SecurityWatch.With this potential risk would you use the wifi in the area? Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

FCC Closer To Aircraft Internet-Access Approval

The fight over internet access on aircrafts is about 20 years old now, and still no solution. There has yet to be proof of an aircraft crash resulting from cellular signal interference, or similar issues. A change like this needs to be signed off and approved on a government level just to see a little change in process. It’s not something that will just happen over night, but the FCC just sped the process up a lot! Tat Wza

Republic Wireless Introduces Hybrid Wi-Fi Calling [Video]

The capabilities of smartphones grow by the day; sometimes over night we develop next gen technology. Most of the time, its a new angle or approach on something that has been around for some time. With how crazy the mobile industry has grown, the possibilities are endless. Even if you were looking to harness Wi-Fi as cellular signal. Republic Wireless is in the Beta stage of a hybrid technology that could take the wireless industry by storm. Jump for details & video on how to take advantage… Tat Wza

Auto: BMW Will Have Wi-Fi Built Into Cars: This Is HOT

Imagine being in your car and desperately needing some type of internet or wi-fi connection to finish an important project or send a bunch of files and you don’t have a hotspot available. Well for consumers in Europe this week, and soon here in the U.S., that will never be a problem again if you own a BMW. Check the full story after the jump. IamJOE357

FAA May Allow Electronics During Take Off & Landing

Well its been 20 years now that we still can’t prove if electronics effect the take off and landing of a flight. What has been a cautious topic, can now be suppressed with a ton of tests and data that prove otherwise. The chairman of the FCC has reached out to the head of the FAA regarding the issue. Definitely agree with how he feels, what you think? Hit the jump… Tat Wza

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