Beyonce Posts Handwritten Letter To Michelle Obama On Her Site

I’m not sure what exactly sparked Bey to write this letter of appreciation to our First Lady and post it on her site, but I guess you never need a reason to show someone love! Check out Bey’s letter to Mrs. Obama below. Marisa Mendez

SMFH: George Zimmerman Writes Letter To “Supporters”; Sets Up Site To Collect Donations

Trayvon Martin’s cold-blooded killer has written a letter to people that believe he’s innocent (who are these idiots?) to ask for donations since he can no longer work because of the “life altering event” he was involved in. You do know you altered many others’ lives as well, right? Smh. Read the letter and get the details below. Marisa Mendez

Tech Talk Web: LivingSocial Launches Takeout And Delivery Service!!!

If you haven’t signed up for LivingSocial yet I suggest you do that after you finish reading #IFWT. They post a lot of cool deals for all types of activities, venues and services. Well they have expanded their site. Hit the jump for details. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Abercrombie & Fitch Clear Up “N*gger Brown Pants” Issue Listed On Website

Yesterday, my timeline was on fire with people blasting popular fashion brand, Abercrombie & Fitch. A link to a website was floating around, with them selling cargo pants labeled “N*gger Brown”…a disgustingly racist title. I thought the whole thing was sketch from the start because I’d like to believe NO brand would be that stupid, but also the link wasn’t a direct or anything of the sort. It had dashes, the word “outlet”, just a bunch of things that looked fishy. Needless to say, it turned out to be a hoax and the A&F guys are already seeking legal action. Details below. Marisa Mendez

Tech Talk Hacking: Anonymous Strikes Again! This Time The Vatican!!

No one is safe against Anonymous. Their recent target was the website of the Vatican which was shut down for a couple of hours. Hit the jump of why they took down the Vatican website. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Somaya Reece Schedules Breast Reduction; Plans To Document Procedure On Vlogs

It’s no secret that Love & Hip-Hop star Somaya Reece is pretty top heavy. But big boobs aren’t always a blessing! They cause back pain, scarring from bras, issues with exercising and more. The rapper/reality star has made the conscious decision to get them reduced, and will be documenting the experience in a series of video blogs on her website. More details below. Marisa Mendez

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