Yes. This is as crazy as it sounds, but what’s crazier is that it’s true! Hit the jump for the full story!
Yes. This is as crazy as it sounds, but what’s crazier is that it’s true! Hit the jump for the full story!
Once again, inflation is here, and this time it’s hitting NYC’s water and sewage rates. Hit the jump for the full story.
Diddy And Mark Wahlberg joined forces in making a new performance water, ‘AquaHydrate’ check out the silent movie trailer they’re using to push the product right after the jump!
While promoting his new health beverage AQUAhydrate Diddy went on ‘Ellen’ to tell kids to put down the sugary drinks that used to cause Diddy to wet the bed as a kid. “OK, I guess I’m confessing that I used to be a bed wetter,”Combs said. “I grew up as a Kool-Aid kid,” the 43 year old Bad Boy founder continued. “I used to pour a half of pound of sugar into the Kool-Aid, and there is something about sugar that makes you wet the bed.” Hit the jump for more.
On Thursday NASA announced that their Messenger probe discovered ice poles on Mercury, according to David Lawrence a Messenger Scientist at Johns Hopkins University. According to the probe the hydrogen levels suggest that there is ice water on Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. The probe has taken over 100,000 photos of Mercury. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro