Google’s VoIP Service Will Remain Free in 2013 For The U.S. & Canada

Just in case you thought things would change in 2013, Google’s Gmail VoIP service will remain free of charge for calls within the United States and Canada in 2013. The news was announced on Google’s blog earlier today,this will make 3 years that Google will offer the service for free. We all know that at some point this service will no longer be free, at some point Google would like to make a profit from this service. Yungjohnnybravo x TatWZA

Tech Talk News: Ethiopian Government Bans Skype And Similar VoIP Services!!

15 years just for using Skype? Thankfully we still have some civil liberties still in America. Check out this crazy story after the jump. ShottaDru X TatWza

Tech Talk NEW: Will You Need A World WiFi Number???

Ok so this is kinda exciting, With WiFi calling around the corner, it is inevitable that you will need a specific set of numbers to dial for a WiFi only phone, so we may jump off the cellular chain, which in turn would most likely open up the spectrum for more Data connection. Well If you want to know what’s it’s gonna be like, Hit the Jump! +TatWZA

Teck Talk App: Did Skype For Android Turn Into BBM???

Skype just updated it’s Android App, and I have to say, some aspects mod def remind me of BBM, Hit the Jump! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Device: Turn Your TV Into A Phone???

I mean it is Now Possible, and it this day, it’s not really that surprising, but still really cool, Hit the Jump to see how to make your Flatscreen your best communication device, thanks to Biscotti!! +TatWZA

Tech Talk Device: Check Out Republic Wireless’ Hybrid Android!!!

Well a few days ago I posted on a NEW phone carrier, and I say Phone because it’s not as much of a Cellular carrier, since it works off a WiFi Network, And uses an Android Hybrid phone, Hit the Jump to see the Specs!!! +TatWZA

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