Stop-and-Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional in New York City

Federal judge Shira Scheindlin laid the verdict that many New Yorkers found as a warm welcome to the controversial stop-and-frisk law. She found that officers had overstepped their authority in regards to stopping people in the street, and found it violated the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. Now the judge has appointed a special lawyer to monitor the abuses by the NYPD. Do you think it will change how people are stopped? Find out all the details after the jump.

East Haven Cops Did What To Pregnant Woman??

A case that was filed January of this year, is accusing the East Haven police of pointing a gun and then making a pregnant woman walk, after a purse snatching investigation. Read more after jump

Live Your Life: Federal Law Defining Marriage Between A Man And A Woman Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, was unconstitutional. Click below to find out more. WiL Major

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