(Photos) U.S. Troops Visit Liberia To Help Fight The Ebola Virus!  

U.S. Troops are preparing to visit Liberia to help battle the Ebola virus. The soldiers will also build temporary medical centers to treat Ebola patients. Check out photos of the troops wearing protective gear and read more on the story after the jump!

(Video) Obama Is Sending Troops To Iraq For WHAT?!?!?

President Barack Obama has made headlines for his inability to anticipate the rise of Sunni militants in Iraq, according to NBC News. Due to lack of preparation when dealing with the militants, who captured Iraq’s second-largest city last week, the U.S. is set to send 275 troops into the troubled country for embassy security. More info after the jump.

Is President Obama Sending Special Op’s To Iraq?

White House officials have reported that the act of sending U.S. Special Operation Forces into Iraq to “advise Iraqis”, is a potential “course of action”, earlier today.

Pentagon Fires Troops After What???

Over 50 troops were fired after a review was given that uncovered many violations. Read more after jump

(Photos) Guess Where The Worlds Largest Pizza Delivery Went?!?!

Last Summer, thanks to a charitable organization, a few pizza places made a huge come up, while breaking a World Record. They Probably ain’t even know it! Hit the jump for the full story!

(Video) Radio Host Says WHAT About Hillary Clinton ?!?!

Now this is a bit shocking ! Fringe right-wing radio host Pete Santilli made disturbing comments about Hillary Clinton last week, calling for sexual violence against the former secretary of state because of her alleged involvement in a bizarre conspiracy theory. Santilli says these controversial lines “Miss Hillary Clinton needs to be convicted, she needs to be tried, convicted and shot in the vagina,” he said. “I wanna pull the trigger. That ‘C U Next Tuesday’ has killed human beings that are in our ranks of our service.” *Blank Stare* Santilli alleged Clinton was involved in drug trafficking in Arkansas and the killing of U.S. troops overseas. Hit the jump for more !

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