(Photo) NBA: Check Out Ben Wallace’s Crazy Three-Wheel ‘Batman’ Ride

Sabrina B. Endless numbers of blog posts, words and videos have been devoted to interest in millionaire athletes’ trucks, cars and bikes. Though, not sure where you’d classify this ride of Ben Wallace’s. Seems like it could be a motorcycle, also seems like it could almost be called a car. Apparently, it’s specifically called a “trike,” and there are people that love them.   It also seems like something that was stolen off the set of a Batman movie. Check it out & let us know what you think…

This Ain’t Your Childhood Green Machine!!!

Remember the Green Machine(like the one above), well the Parker Brothers(not the Game company) have built their own Green machine that they are looking to get a Guinness World Record title for largest wheel on a motorcycle on a moto trike….See Pic of trike in the details. @TatWza

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