(Photos+Video) Surgeon Promising First Head Transplant Ask Americans For Help

An Italian neurosurgeon commits to perform the world’s first head transplant and asks Americans for help.

(Video) World’s First Successful Penis Transplant Recipient’s Girlfriend is Pregnant

In international news, a South African’s, who was involved in a botched ceremonial circumcision, penis transplant has been declared successful for the first time in medical history. And, the unidentified 21 year-old male is the world’s first successful penis transplant recipient’s girlfriend is pregnant.

Aww! Tyga Is Desperately Looking To Find A Kidney For A Sick Child!

Tyga needs to find a kidney, ASAP. He’s desperate to help a kid he met during a recent visit to an L.A. Children’s Hospital. Tyga recently surprised 60 kids with all sorts of gifts and goodies, including fresh clothing, music and Flips headphones. While he was there he spent time with a young brave kid named Isael. Isael is hoping to find a kidney donor so he can have a life-saving transplant. Tyga was so moved by Isael’s story, he swore he would do everything he could to help the kid find a match. He even reached out to his fans on Twitter and Instagram. Love it!

Is Robin Roberts Making A Comeback to Good Morning America?!?!

After taking a leave of absence Robin Roberts is ready to come back. Hit the jump for the full story!

(Photos) Woman Receives Facial Transplant

Bethan Robertson-Smith was in a nearly fatal car accident a few years ago and awoke from her coma to find out  that she couldn’t move half of her face.  Part of her face was paralyzed prohibiting her moving it, smiling, or even blinking her eyes.  Can you imagine living with one facial expression and not being able to show any positive emotion?  Fortunately she was able to receive facial transplants that gave her the opportunity to smile once again.  Hit the jump for pics.   Steph B

Tech Talk News: Lady Finds Kidney Donor Through Craigslist!!!

Beauty of the Internet. Connecting people everyday, not just socially but to save lives. Check out the Craigslist donor after the jump. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

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