Tony Burton, who played Duke – Apollo Creed’s trainer in the Rocky movies, has ultimately passed away at the age of 78. Read more after the jump.
Tony Burton, who played Duke – Apollo Creed’s trainer in the Rocky movies, has ultimately passed away at the age of 78. Read more after the jump.
The very first Fantasy Football Convention, which was to be run by Dallas’s Tony Romo, was going to be held between July 10 and July 12th; however, the NFL has cancelled it. Apparently the league does not want players conducting NFL business while in a casino. Click more to read the full story.
After a devastating loss to the fallen Los Angeles Clippers, many questions began to rise about the San Antonio Spurs #wolfpack that is Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli, Tony Parker, and Greg Poppovich. According to a new report, it looks like the squad is going to give it another go next season! Click more to read the full story!
Tony Nicklinson has been completely paralyzed since 2005 and his only way to communicate with the world is through his eyes. He is now able to communicate with others on Twitter. His first tweet went out on June 13th, which read ” Hello World  I am Tony Nicklinson, I have locked-in syndrome and this is my first ever tweet. #tony“ Hit the jump to watch the amazing Tony tweet with his eyes! Steph Bassanini