NBA: Hmmm, Here’s An Interesting Theory As To Why No Big-Name Free Agents Have Made A Decision Yet

Fans just keep waiting (some with anxiety) for Melo, LeBron, Bosh, Wade, etc. to make a decision on what team they’re going to play for next season.  Is there a reason that some of the big name free agents haven’t decided yet or is it as simple as they are just weighing their options?!  Well apparently there’s a theory out there — and some fans think the theory is very possible. Check it out…

(Video/Photos) Could A Cell Tower Find Missing Flight 370?!

At this point there are pretty much nothing but theories, but a possible one is that the plane some how doubled back over Malaysia, and IF they did, and IF passengers had their phones on(which some do, 30% according to TMZ’s report), then the data could be on a tower in the city of Kota Bharu.

(Video) NBA Rigged?! Yes, There is a 2013 Lakers Playoffs Conspiracy Video

I just can’t get into conspiracy theories.  A lot of fans do believe in it and this video seems to really help prove their point.  I’d love to know what Lakers fans AND non Lakers fans think!!! Check out the details and video & let us know what you think…

New Evidence Proves Einstein’s Theory After Light Speed Wrong!

New evidence may prove that Einstein’s theory about light speed has been wrong this whole time! According to Einstein’s theory, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Researchers in Europe discovered on Thursday that a oddball type of subatomic particle can actually travel faster than light can! The claim is currently being disputed, but if it’s proven it would be so crazy! Read more after the jump. @Julie1205

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