George Zimmerman’s Defensive Team Attempting To Use Texts About Trayvon Fist Fighting

George Zimmerman’s defense team is attempting to paint Trayvon Martin in a negative light using anything they can. Zimmerman’s lawyers wants to use not only school records and pictures, but old texts between Trayvon and his friends as evidence. The legal team wants to call the texts and more into evidence to attempt to put Trayvon on trial to help Zimmerman’s defense. The text messages include some in which Martin’s friend calls him a “weedhead” and others that talk about him fist fighting in school. Prosecutors say that the “evidence” including a picture of Trayvon with gold teeth are “pertinent evidence” to show “stereotypical and close-minded thinking.” Read more about the texts that the defense wants to use below.

NBA: Phil Jackson Text Messages Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard has a new mentor?! Zen master Phil Jackson?! Phil Jackson may not be the coach of the Lakers, but he’s still involved with them (not including his relationship with fiance Jeanie Buss). This is probably a good thing for Dwight Howard. He needs someone like Phil in his life. Check out what Dwight had to say about the Zen Master.

(Video) #BlackRicanJew Speaks To Joe Budden About Tahiry Having MENTAL Issues !!!

Let’s clear the air, NOTHING is alleged – Joey did sent Tahiry those text messages and Tahiry did leak this out. I respect Joey’s honesty. He admits to why he sent the text messages and that his girlfriend had already knew about it. Not maliciously, but Joe thinks that Tahiry “needs therapy”. She emotionally scorned. The thing about it is that Joey seems to be the cause of that emotional scorn, so what does he say then? Drop down bottom and check out Joe Budden and the Hot 97 morning crew.

5 Text Messages You Never Want To Leave In An Unlocked Phone

You know the rule if you’re playing dirty and running around don’t get caught slippin’. Many people have different ways of saving those who they are dealing with whether its physically, emotionally or mentally. Let me get to the point if you are talking like this in your text and you have a girlfriend then here are 5 text messages that give you great reason to never leave your phone unlocked. click below to see the messages. DJ Relly Rell

Tech Talk News: Text Messages Unveil Teens’ Plot To Bomb School

Text messages helped foil a plot that teens had to bomb their school in Utah. At least two teens, ages 18 and 16, were plotting to detonate bombs during a school assembly. The teens also plotted their escape plan, via text, which included hijacking an airplane. Read more after the jump. Julie1205 x +TatWZA

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