Tech Throwback: Steve Jobs saw the future back in 1997

Here is a clip from 1997 with Steve Jobs speaking about mobile computing and competing with Microsoft.  After watching this clip you will see how far Apple has come. @TatWZA @ybj Video inside

Tech News: Solar Powered Laptop

  The days of powering up our devices and gadgets could be over, compaines decide go full on with solar power. Its worked with cars, generators and even homes. I dont see why it wouldnt work for our everday devices. @TatWZA @YBF

TECH GAMES: Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

Fans of the Uncharted series can expect big things from the devlopers at Naughty Dog as they  just released  visuals for  the Co-0p  for their highly anticaped game.  Releasing it just in time before E3.. @tatWZA @ybj Check out the video inside

TECH NEWS: Al Qaeda Taught To Make Bomb Cupcakes????

So the terrorist group Al Qaeda had tutorials on how to “make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom” But got a big surprise when they loaded up the tutorial @TatWZA @YBJ


Sometimes A little reserach can help in selling a product, but in this ad put out by Radio Shack, they may have dropped the ball on this one. @TatWZA @ybj


As time goes by it seems as if RIM can not hold its ground against Apple and Google, as this week they gave up more  of their market share to the competition. @TatWZA @YBJ

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