In the wake of Apple’s Biggest acquisition in it’s overall history, Beats it’s proving it’s worth the next day, DOPE!!
In the wake of Apple’s Biggest acquisition in it’s overall history, Beats it’s proving it’s worth the next day, DOPE!!
1st Off, Eddy says “Apple has the best product line up in 25 years”, which is a big statement, as in the last 25 years Apple has introduced devices that have changed the world(i.e. iPod, iMac, iPhone…etc etc), then there is dome funny banter from Jimmy Iovine about Apple’s EarPods.
We’re hearing that the official announcement could very well be this week, as Jimmy and Dre may be on the stage for WWDC, BUT instead of $3.2B, it may be only $3B, and the loss of $200M could be coming from Dre ‘freaking Apple out’, and Apple looking into the actual subscription base of Beats Music app, which is lower than expected(at least what Apple expected).