An Ex-Marine Becomes Friends With His Girlfriend’s Rapist To Retrieve Evidence!

An ex-marine decided to befriend his current girlfriend’s rapist in order to retrieve some evidence to form a case against him.  The girl had been intoxicated, raped, and her rapist filmed the whole crime.  Because the ex-marine became aware of the tape he decided to try and get a confession and see the tape on his own, and he did.  The rapist is now in jail with a $50,000 bond. Hit the jump for details. Steph Bassanini

Terrence Howard Tells Cops His Wife Is Extorting Him & He Has The Recording To Prove It

Terrence Howard is embroiled in a messy divorce right now. In the latest update in the saga, the actor filed a police report with the LAPD Monday, claiming his soon to be ex-wife is extorting him and apparently there’s a “shocking” tape to back up his claims. Details below. Marisa Mendez

Nurses Fired For Taping Patient’s Mouth Shut!

Two nurses in Utah were fired earlier in the week when it was discovered that they put tape over one of their patient’s mouth! The patient was in the intensive care unit while being treated for nausea and anxiety from medication and her teeth were chattering a bit too loud of the nurses to deal with. Instead of dealing with the incident like professionals, the nurses simply taped the patient’s mouth shut while joking that they would be fired if they got caught, SMH!! Reads more after the jump. Julie1205

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