DRAMA!! Joe Budden vs. Esther Baxter…the Songs, the Tweets and Tahiry!!

  If you’re on Twitter at all this morning, you might notice 3 folks on the trending topics: Joe Budden, Esther Baxter and Tahiry. If you don’t know what’s going on, let me clue you in. Take it back a little…we all know Joe Budden is a rapper with a thing for some fineee women. He and Tahiry dated for 5 years and it ultimately ended in a messy, public breakup…being that she’d since became a public figure/model after appearing on many of Joe’s video blogs. They went back and forth on Twitter, songs were made, slander was hashed out…and then Joe started dating video model Esther Baxter. For a while it seemed like a perfect relationship but apparently all good things (or not so good things if you let Joe tell it) must come to an end and now the world is watching as it does so. Read on for details. @MarisaMendez

(Fellas Check The Pics!!!) Tahiry Rocks Sexy Lingerie!!!

Tahiry gets extra sexy in this pearls and Lingerie get up!!! @DJTech4

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