(Photo) NFL: Bills Bench Stevie Johnson After T-Shirt Touch Down Celebration

Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl Buffalo Bills receiver Stevie Johnson isn’t the first person to get a little carried away ringing in the new year.  He just picked the wrong place for his celebration. Bills coach Chan Gailey benched Johnson for drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Sunday when he celebrated a touchdown catch by lifting his jersey to reveal an undershirt … Check what it said after the jump…

(Fellas Check The Pic) Its Wet T-Shirt Time!!! Random Smokin’ Hottie With A ‘CRAZY’ body Joins In!!!!!

YOU ARE ALL WELCOME(logs off, steps away from laptop until 11:49p.m)!!!!!! Click below to see the pic. @WiLMajor

(Video) Tech Talk Fashion: The Beat Making T-Shirt!!!

 Not the 1st Musical T-Shirt out, So Maybe you can get this one, then start a T-Shirt Band -_- But Hit the Jump, and See How it’s going Down, Basement! +TatWZA

(Photo) Fellas Check The PSA: Is This The Best Way To Stop Teen Pregnancy???

I mean I was doing My normal Surfing and saw this ‘PSA’, only thing is, not sure if it will make teenage boys Not want to get her Pregnant -_- +TatWZA

(Photo) Guess Who Love’s @AngieMartinez The Most???

If you were really paying attention to Ang’s Show, you already know exactly what I’m talking about, But IF you don’t know, and desperately need to know, not a prob, just hit the Jump(even if you know, you’re gonna want to hit the Jump)!!! WZA on Google+

Funk Flex Kodak Flick: Just another t-shirt I bought!!!

Pic after the jump!! Funk Flex Find Flex on Google +

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