Saudi Arabia To Pay For Any Nation To Defeat The Syrian Government

A Saudi prince is fed up with the situation in Syria. John Kerry recently announced that the Syrian government was killing their own people with chemical weapons, which violates international law. The civil war between the rebels and the government has been going on for over 2 years, with 2 million refugees spread all over the the world. Now the situation has come to a breaking point. Find out after the jump how Saudi Arabia intends to fix the situation.

Syrian Regime Warns United States!!

After what appears to be a devastating chemical attack by the Syrian Regime, the United States has been weighing its options of how it will respond. Syria’s information minister said any U.S. military action would “create a ball of fire that will inflame the Middle East. Hit the jump for more details.

President’s National Security Team Heads To White House To Speak On Syria?!?!?

Obama has been very reluctant on intervening in the 2 1/2 year war tearing Syria apart, yet he finally caved in and organized a meeting with heavy political officials to discuss the issues in Syria, Hit the jump for more detail!

One Million Children Retreat From War-Torn Syria?!?

One million children have officially been forced to leave Syria due to hostilities within their home country, Hit the jump for details!

(*Graphic**Photos + Video**) Up To 1,300 Dead In Syria After Gas Attack!!

Titled Syria’s darkest hour, it could possibly represent the worst known use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Kurds in the town of Halabja in 1988. In a war that has now claimed the lives of thousands of people, images of the dead bodies have now been published for awareness. But, what’s even more disturbing is that medical officials aren’t equipped with the tools necessary to help. Check out the pictures after the jump at your own risk.

U.S. Media Sites Hacked By Backers Of WHICH Middle East Dictator??

In an attack that sounds ripped from a dystopian sci-fi movie, hackers in support of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad exploited a vulnerability in Outbrain, a content recommendation service, to take down the websites of the Washington Post, CNN and Time. The cadre of hackers from the Syrian Electronic Army has previously compromised the site of the BBC’s weather service, enabling them to give false weather predictions via the associated Twitter account.

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