(Photos) South Africans Deal With The Antics Of WHAT?!??

Residents in South Africa have the disadvantage of dealing with wild baboons. Unfortunately for the victims of the baboons’ acts of theft, the baboons can sense when a person is afraid of them or if they act in fear. When they sense fear, they infer that they rank higher in the “food chain.” Check out what this means for the residents after the jump.

(Caught On Tape) Mosquito’s Swarm In Alaska!!

Occurring annually in the spring and summer, mosquito “swarms” are not uncommon in Alaska. This time of year is when the bugs hatch. The amount hatched is usually dependent on the weather and given this year being one of the warmest years in history, it led to more mosquitoes. Check out the video after the jump.

Tech Talk News: Robot Swarm Is The Future Of Search And Rescue!!!

Before the Robotic Future of iRobot, or Terminator, our metal based friends want to give us a Helping hand, as 1st responders to disasters…kinda cool, Hit the Jump for the Video. +TatWZA

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