(Video) NBA: Streaker at Miami Heat Game Arrested…Because Of Rick Ross $10,000 Offer?!

Sabrina B. A man arrested for running down stairs of the AmericanAirlines Arena without pants in an attempt to reach the court during Tuesday night’s Miami Heat playoff game told a bond court judge Wednesday he was set to receive $10,000 for the stunt.

Streaker With “YOLO” Written Across His Chest Ran Onto The Field At Red Sox Game

A fan decided to go steaking at the Red Sox game last night and while doing so he had YOLO written across his chest. This YOLO thing is getting out of hand(lol) but if he had “Thug Life” written across his stomach. Now that would have been epic. Click below to see the video. @WiLMajor

(Video) MLB: LOL Batman Runs on the Orioles Field, Dances & Gets Chased By Security

This video is too funny.  A fan dressed somewhat like Batman runs onto Orioles field and begins doing some weird dance before security begins to chase him.  I thought I was watching football for a second the way he dodged the tackles before they took him down.  Check it out after the jump. @Shay_Marie x @gametimegirl

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