Remember The Kid Who Hopped A Flight From Cali To Hawaii?? His Father Just Released A Statement!

Earlier in the week a 15-year-old boy ran away from home by hopping a flight from California to Hawaii. Apparently, the teen jumped airport fences to eventually climb into the wheel well of a flight scheduled for Hawaii. The 5 1/2 hour flight, according to statistics, should have killed the kid, but “Allah protected my son,” says his father. There’s more to it. Check it out after the jump.

(Photos) SMH! A Teenage Kid Runs Away From Home By Hopping A Flight From Cali To Hawaii!!

Wow. According to reports, a 15-year-old kid ran away from home and grabbed a flight from Mineta San Jose International Airport to Kahului Airport on the island of Maui, Hawaii. But this wasn’t an ordinary runaway, the kid managed to creep past airport security and weathered the 5 1/2 hour flight from the plane’s wheel well. Get the full scoop after the jump.

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