When You’re The U.S. AG & Your Stepdaughter Is Arrested For Not Paying The Uber Driver

When your stepmother is Loretta Lynch, the United States Attorney General, there is no way you should be doing time; any amount of time. Unfortunately for Kia Absalom, who you know is not a phrase that would have worked when it came down to dealing with an Uber driver who wanted his money. Hit the jump for the details.

(Photos) Damn, WTF?! Q Parker’s Stepdaughter Beats The BREAKS Off Her Reality Show Co-Star

I smell a lawsuit! These reality shows are getting out of hand, and girls are doing any and everything to get their 15 seconds of shine as the star of the show. Big Rich Atlanta is yet another reality series being filmed right now, and though I don’t have much information on it, I’m assuming the name tells most of what you need to do. With castmembers like the stepdaughter of Q Parker (of 112) and model Ashley Wilson Hawn, it appears that it’s about socialites on the ATL scene. While filming a segment recently, the two ladies got into it so badly, Ashley decided to quit the show. Apparently, the girls weren’t seeing eye to eye for a minute, but producers wanted to put them together anyway. The scene was for Ashley’s birthday party at a club, and Ash wanted nothing to do with Khadijah Rowe’s presence. “She’s going to end up hurting me very, very badly,” Ashely had told producers beforehand, but they’d promised she’d be just fine. Boy were they wrong! Fight out the details of the fight and the aftermath below! Marisa Mendez

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