Attacks Prompt State Of Emergency & Closure Of International In Nigeria

Nigeria’s president is declaring a state of emergency in parts of the West African nation after a slew of recent attacks blamed on a radical Muslim sect. President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday declared the state of emergency in four states and ordered the closure of international borders near the affected areas. Continue reading after the jump. Capri S.

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Christie Declares NJ In A State Of Emergency Due To Severe Weather Conditions!!

Wow– I can’t believe it’s only October and this is already happening!! A few moments ago, Governor Christie declared New Jersey a state of emergency because of the severe weather conditions. See what he had to say on Twitter after the jump!! Wendy L.

New York Evacuating Because Of Irene?

New York is in a State of Emergency. Make sure you stay locked in to #IFWT for updates. Bloomberg has already prepared some of the highest flood threat areas for Hurricane Irene like Battery Park City and Coney Island. Check out the full story on New York’s preparations after the jump. @ShottaDru

(Video) 4 Reported Dead After Tornadoes in Mass.

Gov. Deval Patrick has called it a state of emergency after Tornadoes sweep through Massachusetts. Hit the jump to watch Gov. Patrick make his statement. @Ash_Bankz

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