(Video & Photos – 15) Porn Star Stacie Halas AKA Tiffany Six’s Appeal DENIED – Where Can She Go From Here ?

How would you feel if your child was being taught by an ex porn star ? This chick, (known to her ex-students as) Stacie Halas AKA (known to the FREAKY porn lovers as) Tiffany Six did some pretty raunchy things with her mouth and all of her lady parts. Halas, who said that she was only involved in the industry between 2005-2006 had left that life behind her, but the officials were NOT hearing that. Her job – GONE. Halas appealed their decision, however they shut that down real quick. In TIFFANY’s defense, I’ll say you have to do what you have to do, but on the other hand I don’t think that I would want my son nor daughter looking at Ms. HALAS, knowing that they saw her in the nude, when they should be looking in the books. HYPOCRITICAL? Possibly. The thing is what’s her next step? Drop down bottom, check out the gallery, then have a looksie at her XXX video, and tell me would you be more likely to listen to her teach or reach out and touch her.

(Video)Porn Star Science Teacher Wants Her Job Back!

Stacie Halas became a science teacher, but she was once known as Tiffany Six -a porn star.  Her past life was discovered by her students,of course, which found tapes of her under her alias.  Well she is pleading for her job back as a teacher and says she did porn because of her lack of money between her and her parents. School officials are saying that she should have come clean about her employment history prior to being hired. Let’s see if they agree to hire her back in the near future. Hit the jump for a clip of one of her videos “Big Sausage Pizza.” Steph B

Porn Star Turned Teacher Fired!

A middle school teacher who once made her career as a hardcore porn star has been fired following the exposure of her previous career. The woman taught science from 2005-2007 before anyone knew what she use to do. After being fired she stated “at least I didn’t do it to the students.” Read more below. Julie1205

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