Tech Talk Event: #IFWT At The @BGR Meet Up!!!

This is SO Cool, The Team is at another exclusive Event a leading Tech Site is having a Meet Up event as we speak and we have images for you, we will update as the Night Goes on, meaning you have have to keep checking this post if you want to see the NEW NEW!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Gamestop Will Have The iPhone 5???

This is getting Crazy, as usual, it feels like Apple is truly trying to take over the World, They are sell iOS devices at Gamestop??? well it seems as though that’s what the Rumor Is! Hit the Jump for a little bit of confirmation!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumors: iPhone 5 Going To BestBuy!!!!?

Depending on which of today’s Best Buy-related iPhone 5 reports you want to give the most credence to, the highly anticipated gadget could launch during the first week of October, or a bit later, on October 21st. @Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Tech Talk Date: @SamsungMobile Gets Official Release Date!!!

 Ok so if you missed it, #IFWT was at the North American Launch of Samsung Galaxy S II, And the Release Date Is now Ready to be known So hit the Jump if you need to know!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Rumor Is: Sprint Will Be Charging More To Terminate???

It feels like it’s going Down, well actually up, the price that is, currently to terminate early on Sprint it will cost you $200, but you should see what they want it to go to!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

#IFWT Exclusive Tech Talk NEW: @SamsungMobile’s Launch Of The Galaxy S II And #IFWT Was There!!!!

 Ok I told ya’ll this was coming, and it did, Bu fret Not, we were there, and The Big Dog was in the house himself, We REALLY Appreciate the Invite, and REALLY enjoyed being around that NEW Tech!!!! Ok See all the Pics after the Jump!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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