Tech Talk News: Sprint To Cap It’s Unlimited Data???

 Well yes and NO, Phone user’s will still enjoy unlimited data on the phone it’s self, so you guys can breathe, but if you were counting on the $30 a month Add-on(tethering) to stay unlimited, you’re in trouble! Hit the Jump!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk News: Google Wallet Expands Payment Options!

Google is about to muscle out the usage of credit cards. They have expanded on their Google Wallet application by adding Visa, American Express and Discover to their arsenal. Check out how the usage of plastic physically may soon be thing of the past after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X @ShottaDru

Tech Talk News: iPhone 5 Sprint Release Date “CFO Says Network is Ready”

Despite recent rumors that Sprint will be one of the latest networks to carry the iPhone 5 remaining unconfirmed, Sprint Nextel CFO Joe Euteneuer has stated that Sprint is ready to handle Apple’s newest smartphone. @TatWZA @Yungjohnnybravo

Tech Talk Device: Sprint’s Epic 4G Touch Reveals Secrets!!!

In case you were wondering how to use this Best Gen Android Smartphone(Samsung Galaxy S II), well even though it’s NOT on the Market just yet(Soon Come), the Owners Manual has found it’s way on line, so you can thumb through that to really know whats going on in there! on yeah you can hit the link after the Jump Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Leak: Sprint Releases More Evidence That The iPhone 5 Is Coming!!!

The leak after the Jump is of a pic of an internal document stating that Sprint will go through a ‘Blackout’ because of a mojor Phone release, and the date coincide with the iPhone 5 release, We are LESS than a month away people, isn’t it exciting??? Tat WZA WZA on Google+

Tech Talk Word Is: Sprint’s Unlimited Plan Will Meet The iPhone!!!

Word on on the Tech Street(bloomberg reported) is Sprint will keep it’s true unlimited Plan for NEW iPhone 5 customers!! You should Hit the Jump to see how this will really impact you! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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