(Video) Tech Talk News: Developers Testing Windows 8 Apps!!! On The iPad??

Weird situation but the Windows 8 apps look good on the iPad lol. Hit the jump to check out developers testing out their Windows apps on the iPad. +TatWZA X @ShottaDru Shotta Dru on Google+

Tech Talk Gaming: You Can Play Wii On Your Android Tablet???

When I 1st saw this on Engadget, I thought “Alrighty Then, let’s get it poplin”, but once I read it, it’s a lot of Modder mumbo jumbo, which as Tech Savvy as I am, I’m not a Modder! But I’m sure some of the #IFWT readership, and some of My Google+ Fam are, so if that’s you, check the video after the jump!!!! Tat WZA WZA on Google+

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