50 Cent Reveals How Much Money Me Made & Spent In February

Numbers on the board? After filing for bankruptcy last year, Fif has been all over the news and media outlets with how much money he’s actually got – especially after all that instagram flexing went viral. Now according to reports, 50 reveals how much he made, spent and has in the vault from the month of February. We’re still talkin M’s here. Hit the jump.

(Photos) Feds Spent $100 Billion On Food Assistance Last Year

According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the feds spent $100 billion for food assistance. The GAO Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security Kay E. Brown, said the food stamp program gave benefits to an average 46 million Americans in 2014 at a cost of $74.6 billion. Continue reading for more on allocated funds.

Americans Spend HOW Much On Valentines Day?!

Since it’s basically required to get your special someone a gift on Valentines Day, it’s interesting to see how much money is spent each year for the holiday. I’m kind of surprised by some of the numbers!! Check out the infographic after the jump… Wendy L.

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