(Video) Drake Is Used In A Sentence At The National Spelling Bee!

A Spelling bee can get extremely competitive, especially when its on national television. This past National Spelling Bee definitely showed how competitive it can get. Check after the jump to see how Drake was used at the National Spelling Bee.

(Video) LOL! Spelling Bee Judge Quotes Kelis’ “Milkshake” During Competition!

A judge at this year’s Scripps National Spelling Bee apparently had his mind on something sweet! & that would be Kelis and her milkshake! After being asked by contestant Sriram Hathwar to use the word “Feijoada” in a sentence, he blurted out the the hook from Kelis’ 2003 hit! Too funny, Check out the video!

(Photo) Which Artist Going On Tour Was A Spelling Bee Champion?!?

Before Queens finest Arvind Mahankali won the Spelling Bee, or even before he was alive, another budding artist was killing his competitors in the competition. Not only did this artist win the school spelling bee in the eighth grade, the singer also was the President of the Beta Club. Can you figure out who it is? Find out who it is in the gallery (don’t miss this throwback 8th grade pic!).

(Video) NBA: The Inside the NBA Crew Holds a Funny Spelling Bee

In honor of the National Spelling Bee, Shaq, Kenny, and Chuck try to spell some names from the Western Conference Finals.  Check it out after the jump. Shay Marie x Sabrina B.

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