Ok after the Jump is pretty much all the NEW Apple iTems(See what I did there!) are after the Jump!! including what will affect the NEW iPhone!!! WZA on Google+
Ok after the Jump is pretty much all the NEW Apple iTems(See what I did there!) are after the Jump!! including what will affect the NEW iPhone!!! WZA on Google+
 As reported by BGR, Tmobile is claiming they have THE Fastest Tablet available, and seemingly cheaper too! Tmobile says it’s coducted an independent study putting thr LG Gslate against the iPad and the Motorola Xoom â€The testing was conducted in two cities – New York and Seattle – across 30 locations and at least five repetitions with each device per location per market. The total sample size was 300 tests encompassing at least 70 percent of a market.†See The Full details after the Jump! Tat WZA
OK Samsung and T-mobile partner up again, but this time they are bosting the Fastest Android, but See the Pis that started the Rumor after the Jump! @TatWZA